Challenge Coin

Amanda Brett
3 min readSep 8, 2022


As a South Carolinian, born and bred, I have many people in my life who are graduates of The Citadel. And I have always admired anyone who is a member of “The Long Gray Line”. I have heard SO many stories about “Hell Week”, which is now called “Challenge Week” (first year students first week), and the incredible time spent at one of the most prestigious military institutions in the country. The freshmen at The Citadel are called “Knobs”, because their bald heads look like door knobs, and they follow the Fourth Class System, so Knobs are low man on the totem pole, to put it nicely. It is not easy for a mother to watch her first born child go away to college, but I think it is doubly hard to leave your child at a place where you know they are going to be heavily scrutinized and, well, yelled at A LOT.

This Saturday was Matriculation Day for my son, Zander, at The Citadel. I think he was nervous all week, but by Saturday morning he seemed ready and focused. I, however, was an absolute mess. I was weepy all week, but Saturday morning I was a trembling, teary eyed mess. Every time I held back tears they just came harder. It was a myriad of emotions. I was (and am) so very proud of him and his decision to “Take the road less traveled” and join The Citadel corps of cadets. It is a very different college experience than any other. And…. I was leaving a very big piece of my heart in Charleston with a bunch of people who would be yelling at him and pushing him to limits that he has never known. Parents were instructed to leave the barracks by 10:00 and meet in the Watts Field House (basketball arena) for a chance to meet the different department heads, get lots of information then a formal presentation from the President, Provost and Commandant. I meandered through campus to the Field House thinking of my sweet boy and wiping away tears. I walked around and met a few of the administration and headed to the seats where we were assigned by our child’s company name. I stood in front of the podium looking up at The November Company seats and it looked pretty full, but instead of going on up to find my seat I turned around to see the President, retired General Glenn Walters, standing to my right. Our eyes met and we began walking towards each other. The tears started again and I smiled and shook his hand and introduced myself. He looked concerned and asked if I was ok. I said “No, but I will be” He stepped back and smiled at me as he reached in his pocket he said “Hold out your hand”, so I did. He put a large coin in my palm and closed my hand with his “You give this back to me when he graduates in four years.” I thanked him and headed to my seat, bawling my eyes out.
It turns out the challenge coin he gave me was HIS challenge coin. With his name and year he graduated #TheCitadel on it.
I will cherish that memory of Matriculation day forever and this proud mom looks forward to handing General Walters his coin back in four years! #citadel



Amanda Brett

Wellness warrior and single mom of two boys. Conservative Candidate for Greenville County School Board District 26.